Room 19
Exhibition room in the attic
In this big room the visitor can discover various examples of the urban and regional history of Traben-Trarbach from the 16th to the 19th century. The most
interesting military past of Traben-Trarbach is of special interest. Apart from various original maps and finds of the former fortress Mont Royal, a historical model of the Grevenburg is especially interesting. The fortress Mont Royal was built on the mountain high above the town in 1687 by the ingenious builder Vauban, ordered by Ludwig XIV and already destroyed in 1698. On the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the destruction of the castle in 1934, the local sculptor Bernhard Wendhut made this model based on original plans. The model is surrounded by an important collection of contemporary weapons and suits of armours.
The non-military part of the exhibition contains many views of the town of the 18th and 19th century. One glass case deals with the big fire of July 21st 1857 when the historical centre of Traben-Trarbach was destroyed within a few hours.